Telkom SA SOC Limited

Telematics tariffs application

  • Tariffs Quotation System Information

    The main purpose of the Tariffs Quotation System is to assist the Telkom customer interfacing units in the preparation of cost estimates for our customers on the various non-voice services for budgetary purposes. Customers, vendors and network equipment suppliers may also utilize the system to prepare their own cost estimates. This system is an aid and can only be used to do cost estimates or comparisons for budgetary purposes. The relevant regional Telkom customer order management section must be approached to request an official quote. You are welcome to consult the HELP section in Tariffs regarding this issue. Please take note that as from version 6.00, you will have the option to save a group of quotations for one customer. This also means that when a new version is downloaded, all your quotations that you have saved will be removed to prevent old prices from being used in new

Downloaad Tariffs Quotation System

Version: 6.0.26
Size: approx. 6.73 MB
